2024 Council Members
Chairman: Justin Pence (SC Farm Bureau & BluePoint ATM)
Vice Chairman: Aaron Bushong (Bushong Contracting)
Dennis Dysart (First Bank)
Jim Guisewhite (SVN Commercial Specialists)
Chris Hepner (Bowman-Andros Products)
Bill Holtzman (Holtzman Oil Corporation)
Jeff Manning (Shentel)
Dexter Mumaw (Cabin Hill Homes, LLC)
Nathan Pence (Wholesome Companies)
Kelly Sager (Sager Real Estate)
Keith Stephens (Gateway Hospitality)
EDC Resource Documents
US Census Data - Shenandoah County
SVP Manufacturing Workforce Needs Report
During a Strategic Planning meeting in 2019, the Shenandoah County Chamber of Commerce’s Board of Directors identified Economic Development as a key priority. As a key priority the Board’s plan was to engage business leaders regarding economic development and to establish an understanding of what it means to Shenandoah County as well as the Shenandoah Valley region in general. The Chamber, working with the County and Towns, would like to work to create employment opportunities and expand the tax base to fund core community needs such as fire and rescue, public education and social services.